Listing Type: Personal Property & Antiques
Auction Date & Time: January 18, 2025 9:00 am
County: Cumberland
School District:
Saturday, January 18th 2025 @ 9:00 A.M.
AUCTION HELD AT SHIPPENSBURG AUCTION CENTER, 1120 Ritner Hwy Shippensburg, PA 17257, Approx. 1 mile North of Shippensburg on RT. 11 / or From Rt. 81 take King St. Exit 29 , go West on Rt. 174 at light, turn R. on Conestoga Rd., then right on Rt. 11 to Sale on right\
GUNS: Tri Star 12ga.; Winchester Apex 50cal. Inline, syn. Stainless;
TOYS: Coca Cola toy collection; Large Hess truck collection; Farm toys; Radio flyer toys; Matchbox Mattel wheels; 1/64 scale Ertl Construction & Farm toys, N.I.B.; Huge Matchbox toy collection; Matchbox 48 car Case, complete; 1/64 show cases; Matchbox 24 Die Cast mdl. cases, complete; Mack Tanker, N.I.B.; TRIK TRAK; Tyco electric trucking; Torpedo Run; I/R Helicopter, N.I.B.; Snap On Mini tool chest; Matchbox Premier Corvette set;
SIGNS: 1933 Coca Cola Fountain Service, double sided porcelain sign; Clicquot Club Beverage sign; Live Modern L&M Filters sign; Dorman Hardware Display; Penn Brewery Pittsburgh’s Microbrewery Coors Golden Beer; 1962 Porcelain Registered AC Spark Plug Cleaning Station Sign, Mint; Dupont Seed sign; Porcelain Sunbeam sign; Gulf Gasoline porcelain framed sign; Yuengling Pottsville Beer Sign, An Old Friend since 1829 sign, Very Nice; Surge Milker sign; Hires Delicious Beverage Mirror; Pennzoil Oval sign; ENAR Co. Motor oil sign; Pepsi, Say Pepsi Please sign; Firestone Flange porcelain sign; Cloverdale Soft Drink Mirror; Texas Pacific Porcelain round sign; 6’ Continental sign; Stoney’s Beer bottle sign; 4’ Seal Test Ice Cream sign; 4’ Gott Beverage sign; Porcelain Super Anti Carbo round sign; Gulf Dealer sign; early Chesterfield King & Regular sign; Porcelain TP Products round sign; early Firestone Tires lighted clock; Camel Salem Cigarette display w/ cigarettes;
THERMOMETERS: Ice Cold Coca Cola Bowtie w/ bottle; Porcelain Prestone; MARHOEFER Bread Thermometer;
COLLECTIBLES: Baseball cards; Desert Storm cards; glass pig banks; milk bottle collection; bottle collection; cast iron skillets; cast iron dehorner; sad irons; early glasses; tobacco tins; early clocks; Peanuts lunch box w/ thermos; oilers; cast iron kettles, pots; knives; pocket watches; milk box; peanut butter glasses; comic books; glassware; F.H. Cowden jugs; misc. crocks & jugs; Early dental tools; Griswold dampers; cast iron mechanical bank; cast iron bells; Minecraft 4 book series; K&S Metal Centre Display case; Keystone 5gal. jug; oil cans; oil jars; Movie Time popcorn machine w/ cart; apple crate; Union Pacific Lionel engines; The Original Equipment Line Display Case; MARX General Alarm Firehouse Station; Early Fishing Creel; New Castle Fountain Dispensers; Pepsi Cola Syrup Dispenser; PPR Oil Can; U.S. Postage Stamps Dispensers; Ice Fishing Box on sled; Trombone; Clarinet; Pittsburgh Steelers & Philadelphia Eagles Banners; Steam operated machine, Made in Wilesco Germany; Brass porthole window; butter churn; Somerset schoolhouse Bell; Early wooden long handled tools; stoneware chicken water; cast iron tea pot; cow bells; Boyd’s Bears; cast iron Wagner griddles; slaw board; early tins; wooden handle augers; Gray Granite collection, utensil rack w/ 3 utensils, strainer, soon & dipper, coffee pots, small tea pot, & skillets, very nice; runner sled; Craftsman 2 man saw, like new; 1 man saw; early Axe collection; early kerosene cans;
COINS: Large Wheat Pennies, Lincoln Cent, & Memorial Pennies Collection:
1200+ rolls of wheat pennies, 1910-1958 S&D Mint; Rolls of Lincoln Cents; 70+ Rolls of Memorial pennies, 1962-69 P&D; Many more rolls of pennies too Numerous to mention;
All announcements sale day take precedence over all advertising. Not responsible for accidents or stolen items; Food Stand provided: Accepting Visa & Mastercard w/ 4% fee;
No Buyers Premium
Darryl Jones AU5194 717-226-0776 or 717-776-9498
Jason Brubacker AU5608 717-729-0173